Thursday, November 3, 2011

Forming Habits

Forgive me if this blog post is a bit shorter than normal, I just squeezed out two thousand words of novel. If it sounds painful, that's probably because it was.

The last couple of days were actually quite good. I seemed to know what to write and where to go. Today I knew where I wanted to go, but had no idea what to write. I think there's just days like that. You just gotta push yourself and do it. Like any other habit you're trying to form. Speaking of which, I had a funny moment yesterday. It requires a little back story, though.

After the Halloween party on Friday, I found that I had become sick. What I have decided is that my body had actually been fighting something off for a while, then my deluge of fun times ruined all those efforts. Thus the disease won, my body lost, and the rest of my weekend can be described accurately as: snot, sleep, and holy crap gross.

Saturday and Sunday were definitely the worst days with Monday being pretty bad, but slightly better. Tuesday was pretty much the same as Monday. Luckily, I didn't have to go to any classes on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. (My schools were having culture festival things.) And then Thursday is a national holiday, so hooray. My sickness did not, in any meaningful way, affect my job. However, Tuesday is Judo day.

Yeah, that wasn't going to happen. As I missed the previous practice on Friday due to the Halloween Party, I had fully intended to go on Tuesday. But alas, my body cried "no!" and I listened. So I tried to call my sensei, but for whatever reason he wasn't there. Well, I tried.

Or so I thought. Yesterday, my sensei actually called the office and told me to come to Judo. Oops! Anyway, I explained to my boss that I was sick and that was why I hadn't gone on Tuesday. Given that my voice sounds like something out of a horror movie, he had no doubt I was telling the truth. Even jokingly told me that my voice sounded sexy. Hah! Whoever said the Japanese don't know how to be sarcastic obviously never met my coworkers. :D

Anyway, he said he'd let my sensei know and I was able to relax, greatly relieved. Yet I also know that, should I slack off any more, I'm probably in for a world of hurt. Tomorrow is Friday, another Judo day. And my voice may have been replaced with that of some hellish demon's, but you can bet your butt that I'm going. No matter how I'm feeling. Which brings me back to my earlier point.

Feeling like crap? Who cares! Your habits are your responsibility. Take it seriously, yo.

At least, that seems to be the opinion here. I've seen it lots of other places, too. I can't talk about them, though, as they deal with stuff at the workplace and, as I said a while ago, I intend not to talk about that kinda stuff on the blog. Anyway, we foreigners get cut a little slack, but just a little. (Obviously.)

And that's all I've got for today. I've made a few observations, actually. Come to some epiphanies. That kinda thing. No drugs required, just Japan. But I don't feel like typing anymore today. So... have a good one.



  1. Very interesting!! Judo classes, writing novels
    fighting nasty oriental deseases and befriending giant spiders, not to mention your rather exotic
    menu. Not bad for a young hot Shogun like yourself!!

  2. Hah thanks. The Jeffles Bakufu cometh!
