Thursday, September 22, 2011


Japan has spoken and I have listened.

"Jeffles! Stop trying to predict me!"

Ah yes, Japan. I hear you loud and clear. How could I not? Your voice surrounds me, quite literally.

A week ago, the forecast claimed that it would be raining in Okayama and Osaka until further notice. It did indeed rain the first day. And at first glance, I thought the second day might follow suit. Instead, however, the skies cleared and I sweated my proverbial skin off.

You see, a typhoon was headed for Japan. And based on the predicted path, it would be slamming straight into Okayama. (I was planning a vacation to Osaka that weekend and took the liberty of actually researching this.) Of course, the typhoon soon changed its mind, took a breath, and slammed into the eastern half of Japan instead. You have may heard about it. In fact, it is apparently still throwing up rain in parts of Japan. Here in Okayama, though, it's been all sunshine and peaches.

That's not exactly true. The temperature has dropped some 10 - 13 degrees Celsius and winds are stronger than normal. But on the balance of things, that's not so bad.

And for those who are wondering, yes I did go to Osaka! And yes, it was wonderful. Wonderfully wonderful, in fact. I shall be heading back at a later date. I had the confusing experience of getting eaten alive by mosquitoes and ants in the middle of the city, but otherwise I quite enjoyed it. There was a danjiri festival, which I of course took copious photos of. There was the eating of shaved ice. There was shopping in a store where all the employees were dressed as ninjas. And much more! I didn't make it to the castle or the Shinto shrine which is said to be the oldest in Japan, but I am planning to be back in Osaka later in October. At that time, the leaves should be changing color and I quite look forward to it.

This weekend is another three day weekend. That's right, two three day weekends in a row. Praise be to Japanese holidays. My plan is to go to Miyajima (an island with the famous red floating torii gate) for Friday and then Shiraishi Island on Sunday for the Moooo Bar's end-of-season party. Yay island time.

That's all for now. Off to the night-class! Wheeeee~


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