Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Let the Vlog Begin!

Yes, that's right; I have uploaded my first vlog! Yaaaay!

(You can find it here, btw.)

This morning I'm really pretty tired. I ended up staying awake quite late because I was trying to figure out the video editing software. I probably should have just waited until today to upload it, but noooo, I had to upload it last night. Sigh.

Speaking of which, I need better video editing software. There's some pretty basic stuff I can't do, like overlaying pictures on video. And I thought I added text to a video, but then when I uploaded it the text never showed up, so I need to figure that out, too. Maybe it's a YouTube compression thing? I dunno. I'll sure find out, though!

In case you didn't guess, my camera came in the mail yesterday. It is a thing of beauty. Thank you Chris for your awesome recommendation. My shorts even have the perfect pocket for it so that it doesn't just look like a bulge in my shorts. I need to figure out how to use it more smoothly, though. And how to use it in low-light settings. I tried to take some video at a pub that I went to last night for dinner, but it was so dark that there was essentially nothing to see. That made me a bit sad. But at least the food was really good! :D

In other news, this is my last day of work. Bitter sweet, really. On the one hand, it's been a pretty interesting job in many ways (despite the fact that I'm just an intern!). On the other hand, it means that Japan is closer and that tomorrow I get to sleep in. So very much looking forward to that.

Okay, time to face the day. Lots and lots and lots to do. Work, dinner with some people, and PACKING. O.O


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